3Data Expert® - for repair and conversion of 3D CAD data.

Import IGES, VDA-FS, DXF or STL models and let DeskArtes 3Data Expert® do the work to Transform your data into production with 3Data Expert®.

The 3Data Expert installation package includes also optional AM Expert.

Have a frequent look at our website for our growing Expert Series family. With the Expert Series, work can not get any easier.

Download DeskArtes 3Data Expert® (64-bit) by clicking the link below.

version (released 25.2.2025).


File name: 3DataExpert15.0.0.16x64Setup.exe

File size: 182 MB (191 364 032 bytes)

File hash: 9e30b98eb54ce8badff129c36aff1ff6682f3c610786fbc4e34f46c8f29fb38e (SHA256)

Note: You need to have a 64-bit Windows version to be able to install and run this software package.

Installation instructions for 3Data Expert® (64-bit):

  1. Copy the self extracting package "3DataExpert15.0.0.16x64Setup.exe" to your hard disk.
  2. Start the installation by double clicking "3DataExpert15.0.0.16x64Setup.exe". Press "Finish" to continue the installation.
  3. Read the copyright text and the license agreement carefully before continuing.
  4. Select the Directory where you want the software to be installed.
  5. The setup is completed. Select "Finish" to quit.
  6. To run DeskArtes DeskArtes 3Data Expert® (64-bit), start the program from the Windows start menu, or from the shortcut on the desktop.


Updates will be made available at our web site: http://www.deskartes.com/

Contact information

Please send your comments about this software to: DA@deskartes.fi

DeskArtes Oy Address:
Takomotie 8, FIN-00380 Helsinki Finland
Telephone: +358 40 645 7952
Skype: deskartes.office
E-mail: info@deskartes.fi

For more information, contact your local DeskArtes Representative, please select Contacts from the main menu.